Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Must. Create.

Ok. The internal alarm clock has been going off and I couldn’t figure it out until now.
I figure it’s creation time. For those of you that have somewhat tuned into the Cz’ski Life, you would know that I have been creating quite an ensemble, not much unlike a backup band the size of ELO. Elvis had the Jordanaires, I have Dawn and the Spawns. Well, the Spawns have grown in number at a rate of one every couple of years. If Math hasn’t completely failed me, it would seem that if another Spawn was to enter the Cz’ski group in the same fashion as the others, it would need some creative input right about NOW. This is the internal flashing yellow lights that keep me awake as I try to fall into blissful unknowing slumber. Realization has come after a few drops of conversation around the dinner table, more than a few relatives (sin-laws) asking more and more fervently at whether we can expect more dependant output, and maybe just plainly that glint in the eye, if you catch my drift. Shit. It’s not even springtime. Thank God I’m not twitterpated.
Anyways – I do feel the need to create, except I’m not about to help in the further creation of my own personal hellish poverty. This blog helps, but it might only be the start of something that has been destined to make its way to the www – stay tuned to the possible beginning of the digital Slug vs. Snail.


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